Go The F*ck To Sleep

Let’s take a break from the titty talk for a bit. I’m a mom. First and foremost. Since the day Grayson was born, my life was forever changed. You can’t ever un mom yourself once your kid is born. Is being a mom beautiful and wonderful and all that jazz? Ya. Sure. Some moments are fabulous. But a lot suck. Like really suck. 

Bryce is currently in a screaming phase at bedtime. There is no rhyme or reason to why this is happening. He’s twenty months old and maybe it’s the 18 month sleep regression just a tad late? Maybe it’s because we just transitioned the kids back to daycare two days a week after being home for almost 4 months due to Covid. We have tried it all. And somehow I still end up sleeping on the floor of his bedroom  at some point in the night.

If Grayson went through this stage, I blocked it out. Grayson has always been an above average kid in the sleep department. So I feel very out of my element when a kid won’t sleep and nothing seems to be wrong.

I can’t stand the crying. I would rather sleep on the floor in his room than listen to him scream and cry. But I know that’s a bad habit to start. 

I know that motherhood is wonderful. I do know this. But sometimes I don’t like it. And that’s ok. Because life isn’t easy all the time. God makes kids cute for a reason... 

Love and boobies,


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The Great Nipple Debate


Safer Beauty