Safer Beauty
When I was about five months pregnant with Grayson, I started thinking about ways I could earn some money while I was out on my maternity leave, which was unpaid. I considered selling Mary Kay or Stella and Dot. I had a brief Mary Kay stint in college and by brief I mean like a week. I didn’t wear a ton of jewelry so Stella and Dot didn’t seem to really make sense for me. Neither of those options were great choices.
I remembered this girl Lori I knew sold something called Beautycounter. I had read a few of her Facebook posts about it. I had no idea what it was but I messaged her to find out. Now Lori was not a close friend of mine by any means. In reality when I messaged her that day, I had only met her twice in “real life”. We met at Petco randomly one time years ago because we were both Chihuahua moms. And the second time we hung out, it was for our pups to have a play date. I know. I’m weird. I meet random people everywhere I go. Anyway, she told me she was going to a Beautycounter meeting the next day and I was welcome to tag along. She’s pretty much one of the most welcoming people I know so off I went!
The first thing I got out of that initial meeting was that I needed to throw like ALL of my personal care products in the trash. More on that later. The second thing I got out of that meeting was I needed to make better choices for my body because A) I was pregnant with my first baby and B) I was BRCA2 positive and SO high risk for cancer, I should try and make an effort in other areas of my life to control my health where I could.
The meeting was SO informative. I listened to another girl named Alison talk (she only has one L...her parents must have misspelled her name on her birth certificate 🤪) and I won’t get into all the details of the story she told because it’s her story to tell and not mine but basically after making the switch to safer products in her household, her husband no longer had cancerous skin stuff needing to be removed repeatedly. She talked all about the ingredients in personal care products and how the laws haven’t changed on what’s allowed in our products since the year 1938! That’s insane to me. Tons of personal care products contain parabens (linked to cancer), phthalates, allergens, endocrine disrupters, etc. I went home that night and looked at all the products in my bathroom and I threw most all of them directly in the trash. Even my super expensive fancy shampoo and conditioner had parabens.
I decided right there and then that I would start using Beautycounter for myself and would use them on my son when he arrived. I trusted the company’s mission (to get safer products into the hands of everyone) and I loved “The Never List”, which is an ingredient list the company promises to never use in any of their products. I was sold. I was a new customer and yea, why not? I will sign on to be a consultant, too.
Four years have gone by. I am still a consultant. I don’t put a ton of time in to the business because I don’t have tons of extra time with my job, my kids and my other side hustles. But I believe in the company and it’s movement and I LOVE the products. They are awesome and I trust they are safe to put on my skin and hair and on my babies.
If you have ever wanted to make the switch to safer personal care products, let’s chat. I’m happy to make product recommendations or tell you more about the company! If you want to check out my site it’s:
Love and boobies,
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Baby Grayson loving on his Baby Gentle All Over Wash by Beautycounter.