Recovery Update!


Three weeks out. Well, three weeks and three days. All things considered, I feel good overall. I’m still exclusively sleeping on my back, which sucks, but I can’t get comfortable on my sides. My ribs are very sore and I spoke to the NP at my plastic surgeon’s office today and she said it’s totally normal because the doctor stitched the pockets for the implants to my chest wall/ribs. Weird. I get tired VERY easily. Like sometimes I am watching a TV show and have an overwhelming need to nap NOW. Some days I take two naps. I’m still off from work for another few weeks, which thankfully allows me to nap when I need to! My foobs feel very heavy, which is weird to me because I had big boobs before and I’m probably a little smaller now. But like underneath the band of my bra is so sore. All four of my drains have been removed so that’s wonderful. Those things were awful. I can shower almost normally now and move around pretty good. Still can’t lift more than ten pounds so I can’t lift my kids. I started driving again. The spots where the drains were located are now scarring and soooo itchy. I keep buying and returning a bras in various sizes because although I hope to go braless one day, for recovery my doctor wants me in one 24/7 other than showering and I’m having a hard time finding one that’s comfortable. This sounds like a lot of bad stuff but really, this was an easier recovery road than I imagined it would be. I have visiting nurses coming to check me out every few days and all say everything is healing great! I haven’t even taken Tylenol since week two. I feel grateful!!

Love and foobies,


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Search For The Perfect Post Mastectomy Bra


I Did It!