Those Pesky Ovaries
Having the BRCA2 gene mutation also unfortunately means I am high risk for Ovarian Cancer. September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month so good a time as any to talk about this!
My Nana lost her life in her early 50’s from Ovarian Cancer. She wasn’t aware of having a faulty gene when she died but we can pretty much assume she was BRCA2 positive, as well. Her daughter, my mother, is positive and likely that came from Nana.
Ovarian Cancer is one of the tricky ones. There aren’t a lot of obvious tests for screening purposes. There is a CA125 blood test, which isn’t great but it’s something. The main screening tool is ovarian ultrasound. If you have never had one of these, it isn’t pleasant! Similar to the “dating” ultrasound when you are first pregnant, the best way to view the ovaries is internally. A long wand like item is shoved in your hoo ha to poke around at your ovaries. It’s not fun but necessary.
Side story-the very first time I was sent in to have one of these, I told the tech I really didn’t want an internal ultrasound done and asked if she would just view my ovaries through my stomach with the cold gel and the regular ultrasound wand. She agreed but when she mentioned it to the doctor, he came in the room and basically accused me of being a virgin (I wasn’t) for not letting the tech all up in my business. And by basically accusing me, I mean he flat out said to me “are you a virgin? Is that why you don’t want an internal? We can really get a better view inside.” I’m still shocked a doctor would ask me that. None of your damn business, dude. I mean yes. I’m sure he was right! They could get a better view of the little ladies if they were up in there alongside them. But I still said no that day.
After having two pregnancies and several of these internal ultrasounds, now I am ok with doing it. It still sucks but I grit my teeth and pretend I’m anywhere else.
In an effort to prevent my life being cut short like my Nana’s, my ovaries and Fallopian tubes will be coming out in two years. My gynecologist doesn’t want to do it before I turn 40 since that brings on Menopause and a whole other slew of issues. I just turned 38 so I have a little less than two years with these parts before I say byebye!
Love and boobies,
( . ) ( . )
My beautiful Nana, Marilyn.