Six months ago, I removed my boobs but I didn’t have Cancer…..yet


Six months (yesterday) ago my mom dropped me off at Newton Wellesley Hospital, gave me a hug and said goodbye. I walked in alone due to Covid. Six months ago I said goodbye to my breasts. They were amputated. Removed. And then recreated on a surgical table in an operating room. Six months ago I said goodbye to my nipples. Six months ago I got my “foobs”…and now next week on my birthday, I will go and get 3D nipple tattoos to complete the process. After ten years of planning to have this surgery “one day”, it is so hard to believe that that day is now one day six months ago. Blows my mind! Where does the time go? If you are getting ready to have a mastectomy either because you have cancer or for prophylactic reasons like myself, don’t be scared. Reach out to me or someone else who understands for support. No one should have to do this alone.

Love and foobies,


( - ) ( - )


Birthday Nipples!


Almost Nipple Time!