Mamas Need Breaks, Too!


This past weekend I did a thing. Something I probably should have done a long time ago and was way overdue. But at least I finally did it! I took a break. A real break. Alone. For more than a few hours. And it was glorious.

I love my kids. I love my husband. But this mama also loves being alone. And I am not often alone. I try to carve out time to myself each week but sometimes you need more than an hour or two to really recharge.

This past weekend, the hosts of my favorite podcast, The Mom Hour, hosted a virtual retreat. You were not required to go anywhere if you signed up for it but the gals recommended if you could get away for a bit-to go! This was the perfect opportunity for some quality alone time. I booked a room at the Hilton Garden Inn at Patriot Place in Foxboro. I was only twenty minutes away from home, which was perfect. I felt like I was on a mini getaway but didn’t have to go far. I had my own king sized bed to myself that I didn’t have to share with my stinky dog! I don’t mind sharing a bed with my husband. Our bed is big and I literally sleep on the edge so I don’t feel crowded from him but Trixie sleeps like up my tush. She’s either under the covers curled up by my stomach or if I flip over, she’s right at my back. Every time I move, I disturb her. And she barks usually twice a night at least and wakes me up so she can pee. She’s a five pound, stinky drama queen. I was excited to sleep without her for a night!

The retreat itself included three recorded videos you could watch at your leisure, as well as two live Zoom hangouts with the hosts, Meagan and Sarah, plus all the other lovely mamas who signed up. It was quite odd to see the hosts live and in person (live on Zoom) when I’m usually only used to hearing their voices. I have been listening to their parenting podcast since Grayson was a baby so it’s been four years. They offer great advice and if you are a mom, you should definitely check them out!

Anyway, I skipped watching one of the recorded videos because it was Yoga and anyone who knows me well knows I do not exercise. Maybe someday that will change but for now I could simply not waste precious alone time watching something I wasn’t into!

I did watch the other two recorded videos, which were fab. One was about the holidays this year with Covid and one was about feeding yourself as a mom. Both great. I did the two Zoom calls. And other than that, I relaxed! I read in peace and quiet. I watched a couple episodes of my show. I journaled a little. I read some more. I got take out I didn’t have to share with anyone. I browsed a few stores and bought some new cozy slippers. I slept in. I had a long, hot shower. I enjoyed me!

This blog post is not made to make any of you mamas jealous. It was written to hopefully inspire you! Momming is hard, man! You all deserve a break, as well! If you can’t make it happen overnight, at least carve out a few solo hours to do what you want. Husbands/partners are perfectly capable of taking care of the kids without you. Let them. I promise you, you need this. You deserve this. And you shouldn’t feel guilty.

Heck, if your partner isn’t supportive of it, I will babysit for a few hours. Just go and do it!!!

Love and boobies,


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